The Brunette and the Blonde
Date: 18th Oct 2018
Both of these two incredibly attractive, Black Horse Equestrian, fashion models are, just, drop-dead-gorgeous.

Erin Williams - Black Heart Equestrian
Date: 21st Oct 2018
Her actual name is Erin Williams and she is both the founder and owner of Black Heart Equestrian.

Black Heart Equestrian - Ellie McCarthy and Erin Williams
Date: 13th May 2019
Here are four more photographs of the regular Black Heart Equestrian fashion models, Ellie McCarthy (blonde) and Erin Williams (brunette).
But which one, out of these two beautiful stunners, do you actually find more alluring and incredibly attractive?
But which one, out of these two beautiful stunners, do you actually find more alluring and incredibly attractive?

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