Ridingboots fetish

Zakoboy Uniforms

Hello all, I am a new member and long time follower of ridingboots.net.
These are two photos of what I like to call "Zakoboy Uniforms", where in fantasy I am one of hundreds of expendable foot soldiers sent to intercept the invading intruder(s), and of course I easily fall to their offensive onslaught. They include non riding style "combat" dress boots, riding breeches and eyes-only masks, as I also fantasize being taken prisoner by the intruder(s), eventually tied & bound, questioned, and "tortured".
Zakoboy Uniforms 27762-zakoboy-uniforms.jpg

Zakoboy Uniforms

Zakoboy Uniforms cont'd
Zakoboy Uniforms 27763-zakoboy-uniforms.jpg
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