Ridingboots fetish

Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

Good question :

do some girls wear rubber riding boots on rainy days in your country?

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

I see very rarely a girl in rubber ridingboots in the street on rainy days. But i still have a question about hte girls in bottesdecheval: do or did they wear their ridingboots only on rainy days (for practical reasons), or because they enjoyed wearing ridingboots, to please the boys, or because they were excited by their boots, or maybe some of these reasons altogether? I really wished girls should wear very more often rubber ridingboots!

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

In bottesdecheval1969 the girls wear their own rubber riding boots for pactical reasons and because they feel sexy in it.

But the best is "the girl in rubber riding boots" who ignores she is sexy, wearing her riding boots all day long. She pulls on her riding boots in the morning when she hears the rain fall on Paris, and keeps them on.

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

i guess the girls in bottesdecheval1969 wear their riding boots for rain like they would wear Nikes on a sunny day. Practical.


Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

There are several rubber boot sites. Really more then several. I for one hope RIDINGBOOTS.NET STAYS JUST THE WAY IT is! For me THE BOOTS ARE PERFECT AND SO ARE THE MODELS. If IT ain't broke DON'T FIX it!
A 1,000,000 THANKS, ANDY.

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

Hi arno

How could I contact one of your riding boots models, I wish I could help
her with her boots, walking next to the beach on a rainy day, she
wearing her riding boots for practical reasons,.... oh la la, what a great
day it would be.

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

Is there some girls in Brasil wearing rubber riding boots?
Just for riding? Or rain? Or fashion?

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

Well, as far as I remember, there are a few girls wearing
riding boots in Brasil . Currently I am living in Spain, and here it is hard to
find girls in riding boots too, I was working in France for a year and
I was surprised some girls wore riding boots to go to the supermarket
( AMAZING), however I was always shy and didn t approach one of
these beauties...
Is there any way to contact one of the beauties that appear in your site arno , it is my dream since long time ago, I am a good guy, full of love and tenderness, I just need one nice girl who enjoys wearing riding boots. I would be totally devoted to her.
Best regards

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

hoi brasilrunner,
lucky you are to have seen several girls in rubber ridingboots in the supermarket in France. Do you think they were on their way to the ridingschool or coming back, or did they wear their ridingboots just for pleasure? I wished i could meet some girls who just enjoy wearing their rubber ridingboots all day long!
Best regards,

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

I write again that the girls on my site bottesdecheval1969 wear rubber riding boots just for pactical and fashion reasons. This has nothing to do with horse riding. They go to supermarket or to visit fiends like that just because it rains for exemple.

Secondly most of these girls on my site are ex girlfriends. Some are married.
Dont be shy. At least in France, if you ask to your girlfriend to wear some rubber riding boots on a rainy day to please you, there are big chances that she accepts. Just give her the boots if she does not own some.

This is not something INCREDIBLE!

France : Eldorado of girls in rubber riding boots, then?

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

The girls wearing riding boots in Brasil : was it for fashion or just for riding?

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots


Where can I contact a french girl that accepts wearing riding boots to please me? I would cross the whole world to get to France if I could find just one nice french girl who wears riding boots just for practical reasons...
In Spain, where I am living now things are pretty different, if I say something about riding boots, to a girl who does not ride, she starts to think I am a weirdo, and I am a regular guy, romantic, caring...

I have a pair of rubber riding boots, waiting for that nice girl who wants to wear them on a rainy day, or just for the pleasure of wearing them. but so far, no luck in Spain, could you give me the e mail address of any of your ex girlfriends?
About women wearing riding boots in Brasil, actually I haven t been there since 1975, long time ago, so my perception if out of date, I will be traveling to Brasil this year, and if I find a nice brasilian girl in riding boots, I promise I would post a comment here....
Take care

Re: Rain & girls in rubber riding boots

- In spain are maybe 25 millions girls & women.
- 20% are between 18 & 35 = 5 millions
- 20% of the 5 millions are pretty = 1 million
- 5% of this million own riding boots = 50 000 girls
- 20% of these 50 000 girls enjoy wearing their riding boots, & probably for sexe if she likes you much & ask her!

- result: there is 10 000 girls as you wish to meet in Spain!

TRY! OR VISIT bottesdecheval1969 !!!!
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