Ridingboots fetish

what are they waiting for ?


what are they waiting for ? 11321-what-are-they-waiting-for--.jpg

Re: what are they waiting for ?

Where are they from?


Re: what are they waiting for ?

They are waitning for a good kick.

Isn't It Obvious

Isn't it obvious? They are waiting for me to give them both a real good shafting.

If only things like that actually happened to me in real life.

The one on THE RIGHT!

The one on the RIGHT is a phenominal DREAM!!!! PERFECT figure! I would buy her some brand new Petries! That face is what moist dreams are made of!

Re: what are they waiting for ?


Re: what are they waiting for ? 11333-re--what-are-they-waiting-for--.jpg
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