Ridingboots fetish

Big Boots on Tiny Feet

This photo was sent to me and I don't know if it's real or not but it's real enough for my imagination! I would love to see this woman -- up close and personal. This would be a fantasy for me. Whoever's boots she borrowed had mighty tiny feet to be a very big Household Cavalry man, so maybe she's a rich guy's gal and he could afford those boots for her. How about it, Ray?
Big Boots on Tiny Feet 9493-big-boots-on-tiny-feet.jpg

Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet

very unsual pic but i does it for me, I'd like to meet up with her to while she wears those lovely big boots, Mmmmmmmmmmmm

Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet

could be his boots, hes taking them off
Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet 9494-re--big-boots-on-tiny-feet.jpg

Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet

Think the first pic is a photoshop job. Doesn't look right


Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet

nice boots tho

I like the way her leg looks on the right boot

When the boots are too tall, the skin bulges a bit on her thigh and that is cool!

(I think I want to say that several times slowly)

Seriously, that's what convinced me it was real. Andy, you've got a more trained eye than I have on that stuff. Tell me what parts don't look right to you?

Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet

They just have that look of being cut out from another shoty and put in this one.
Looks to be an edge arroung the boots which you get when done badly

I can't see what you see, but that's hokay

I looked at it again and again and they look in the right position and the only thing I can question is that the boots are in great focus but a good photographer can use focus creatively to make an object stand out more but maybe that's the edge you're talking about. I also know some photographers retouch for highlights to help show edges better but that's all I know.

Anyway, as Ray says... It works for me and I ain't all that picky if it looks halfway good and the boots look good, that's all I care. I never saw such tiny feet on such big boots and to think a pretty woman would wear those is exciting to me.
Thanks for your sharp eye but I like the photo regardless, even if Mickey Mouse did it.

Re: Big Boots on Tiny Feet

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E, three cheers for Mr. Mouse, LOL
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